Volunteers @ Whitestone

Leander ISD requires that all volunteers and event attendees complete a background check before they can be on-campus with students.  The process is free and simple, but can take 2-3 days so make sure you take care of it ahead of time.  It must also be renewed anually.  LISD will send you an email notification when it's your time to renew.

If you've never completed a background check with LISD before, you'll start by creating an account:

Complete the volunteer application | (en español)

If you've registered in years past, here's the link you'll need to check your account details and preferences:

Log In to the Raptor Volunteer Portal 

If you aren't sure of your credentials, you can use your email address as the user name, and click Forgot Password to reset.

Attend a Volunteer Orientation Session at WSE

The WSE volunteer orientation sessions are optional, but provide great background on opportunities to get involved at Whitestone Elementary.

Have a question?

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator Megan Liles at volunteercoordinator@whitestonepta.org